[I-2] The Power of Interaction Design

The summary of "The Power of Interaction Design"
Track Interaction (同トラック講演一覧
Date Wednesday, March 2, 2005 (3月1日のタイムテーブル
Time 15:15 pm - 16:15 pm
Room TEPIA Hall
Speaker Marc Rettig (Profile)

In this session, Marc Rettig will introduce you to the values and methods of interaction design, and show the connections between interaction design, customer relationship management, and the design of products and services.

Most people think of interaction design as the work of creating pleasing interfaces for software, web sites, and computer-based devices. For these things, it is natural to think of the way people use them as having a "conversation" with the product. This is where the field of interaction design began, and Marc will give examples of how designing such things requires an approach that is different than traditional graphic design or industrial design.

Examples shown in this session will also demonstrate how the methods of interaction design have tremendous power for designing physical objects, environments, and even the overall interaction between a person and a business over a long period of time.


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