Masaaki Kurosu

Masaaki Kurosu is a professor at the R&D Department of National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME) of MEXT, the ministry of education, since September of 2001. Before coming to NIME, he has been a professor at the Faculty of Information of Shizuoka University from April of 1994 where he taught the HCI and the usability engineering. Until then, he was working for Hitachi Ltd. at the Design Center from 1988 to 1994 and at the Central Research Laboratory from 1978 to 1988. He was engaged in the methodological development of interaction design, the LISP programming system, and the Japanese word processor.
He studied the experimental psychology and the psychological measurement at the doctoral course and the master course of graduate school of Waseda University. He graduated Waseda University in 1971.
His current interest is the user engineering in which he first engaged in the development of several evaluation techniques including the Dual Task Model, the sHEM, the NEM and proposed the concept of apparent usability.
He is now interested in the study of context of use in terms of field-work based methods and is currently proposing the micro-scenario method. He is also interested in the social learning system especially the career education and in the cultural aspect of HCI.
He is an (co-)author of 23 books, wrote about 30 articles and gave presentations of more than 200. He is a member of ACM SIGCHI, SIGDOC, UPA, HFES, IEEE Computer Society, IPSJ, HIS, JES, JSD, JPA, and JCSS. He served as a conference chair for APCHI'98 and INTERACT'01. He is a member of TC159/SC4/WG6 and IFIP/TC13 and is a board member of IWIPS.
- 『ペーパープロトタイピング 最適なユーザインタフェースを効率よくデザインする』(監訳)
- 出版:オーム社 2004/06
ISBN:4274065669 - 『ユーザビリティテスティング』(編著)
- 出版:共立出版 2003/05
ISBN:4320071549 - 『ユーザ工学入門 使い勝手を考える・ISO13407への具体的アプローチ』(共著)
- 出版:共立出版 1999/09
- Masaaki Kurosu Home Page (個人サイト)
[S-6] ユーザの状況把握にもとづくインタフェースデザイン -マイクロシナリオ手法
3月2日 12時45分~13時45分
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