William Gribbons, Ph.D.

Dr. Gribbons is Director of the Human Factors and Information Design programs at Bentley, where he teaches courses in human factors and information design at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Information Design programs at Bentley are among the largest and most respected programs of this type in the country. In 2002, Dr. Gribbons was awarded the position of Distinguished Professor of Human Factors in recognition of his contributions to the college and the profession.
In 1999, Dr. Gribbons founded the Design and Usability Center at Bentley, and continues to serve in a senior consulting role. Before founding the Center, Dr. Gribbons was president of a human factors consulting group specializing in information, interaction, and interface design. For over twenty years, he has provided testing services, expert reviews, and seminars to a diverse range of corporate clients around the world in the software, hardware, and Internet communities. Dr. Gribbons continues to deliver customized seminars on the topics of human factors, testing, field-based analysis, localization, user experience, and interface design.
Dr. Gribbons received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland. He is an Associate Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) and a member of the Technical Communication Editorial Board. He is also a member of the IEEE, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, the Usability Professional Association, and the ACM SIGCHI. As an expert in the field of product usability and information design he has appeared on and been quoted in local and national media such as the Boston Globe, Boston Business Journal, Mass High Tech, USA Today, the Associated Press, The Washington Times, East Bay Business Times, ABC 20-20, Business 2.0, a nationally syndicated radio show (A Touch of Grey), and the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Partial Client List:
AC Nielsen, Addison-Wesley, Avid Technologies, Bellcore, Bose, Branson Ultrasonics, Centerline Software, Ciba Corning, Cisco, CoMed, Inc., Computer Associates, Digital Computer, Dupont Company, EMC Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi Computer, HighMark, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, IRI Software, Lotus Development, Millipore, Waters, Monster.com, Motorola Computer Group, NYNEX, Physical Sciences, Inc., Praxis International, Salt River Project, Sourcegate.com, TMP Worldwide, US Robotics, US West, and the United States Navy.
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[S-8] Usability, User Experience, and Business Strategy
Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 15:15 pm - 16:15 pm
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